Astrology 101: Map Your Cosmic Blueprint


Astrology 101: Map Your Cosmic Blueprint


You were born with a purpose. You were born with a dream. You have a star coded seed of cosmic intel living inside of you. Most of us love to read our horoscopes because it gives us a thread of potential. It carries us to a story of individuation; of why, how, and what it could all mean to be living as ourselves on this earth. It shows us that we are both unique, and yet a part of some greater collective prophecy. Hearing a message from the stars, opens us up to the dream of what is possible; of who we are on a cosmic level, and a hint at what our soul's intention was when we were born.

This guidebook is both a teacher, and a study guide to help you understand your birth chart from a deeper more embodied plain of knowing. If you are finding the regular old algorithms of free website readings to be uneventful and filling you with information that just as quickly slips out of your awareness; then this is a journey for you. This book will lead you to the planetary teachers that live and exist inside of your life. It will offer up cheat codes to the curriculum of your earth school. It has the words to activate your intuition, awaken your own conscious thought process, and invite in the answers that arise from the questions that your SOUL has been asking.

Astrology 101: Map Your Cosmic Blueprint is a guidebook that is all about guiding you back to you. It is a deep dive into the planets, signs, angles, and houses of your birth chart. Get to know yourself through the celestial lens. See yourself through starseeded eyes. Understand who you were born to be, when you came into this world.

Welcome your authentic energy. We have been waiting for you.

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The Goods; 77 pages of Cosmic Codes

Part One; Your Chart

Introduction, resources, and guidance to pull up your birth chart and start your cosmic journey

Part Two; The Symbols

Symbol key and simplified explanations of the planets, houses, and signs

Part Three; The Signs

In depth explanation of each sign, plus workbook to decipher what planets and houses you personally have in each sign.

Part Four: The Planets

In depth explanation of each planet, aspects, and angles with journal prompts to explore how these planetary teachers show up in your life